Monday, May 6, 2013

The Art of Juggling

Today was a beautiful day here in East Texas.  Sunny skies and in the 70s, clearly the best pastime for such a day as this would be to learn how to juggle.  I've seen many people juggle and I thought it would be fun to try it considering you can use it in every workplace -- and by "use", I mean you can use anything to practice juggling.  The classic juggling balls (boring), foam balls (if you want a little more excitement), apples (which I wouldn't recommend because I found out they bruise easily), or anything else that you can get your hands on.  I wouldn't suggest anything sharp or pointed until you have it completely mastered... In today's case, tennis balls were the best choice.  Here is a quick and easy step-by-step guide on how to find success in the art of juggling in under 15 minutes:

1.  Make sure you are in a fabulous mood, and won't get easily frustrated at the small annoyances in life.
2.  Remember that when it comes to juggling, practice makes (almost) perfect and the less you think about technique, the better off you'll be.
3.  Begin with 1 tennis ball in right hand.  Toss high into air and catch with left hand.
4.  Add second ball and start with one in each hand.  Toss right hand ball high into air, and immediately toss left hand ball.  Catch both balls in opposite hand they were tossed from.
5.  Practice this at least 20 times...and try not to get too frustrated.
6.  After mastering step 5, it is time to add third ball.  Hold two balls in right hand and one in the left.  Toss first ball from right hand into air, and immediately toss left hand ball.  As you are catching first ball in left hand, toss second right hand ball into air.  As you are catching second ball in right hand, toss first ball into air.  As catching third ball in left hand, toss second ball into air.  Confused yet?
7.  If step 6 is too confusing, just start tossing balls into air and catching them with different hands -- this is what I did, and for some reason I got the same result as if I had followed step 6...
8.  Hope that step 6 is unnecessary and step 7 will work as well for you as it happened to work for me.

Now that you know the basic steps of juggling, you are ready to put on a show!  So go and enjoy your newly learned skill and impress everyone you know with your amazing coordination.



  1. Hahahaha! Cake you are HILARIOUS. I might actually use these steps...haha
    LOVE you,
    Erica <3

  2. Erki!! You definitely should :) And then you'll have to let me know how well it works for you!

